Saturday, November 29, 2008

My name is Kelly and I have a yarn problem.

I've been up in "my" bedroom in our house (the room with all my old bedroom furniture in it) since probably about noon trying to reorganize my yarn stash. Calling it a "stash" is quite the misnomer... it is more like a yarn store, all collected in bins and shoved in my closet... oh, and the closet under the stairs. But, I'm going to get it all in "my" closet in "my" bedroom. Only three more boxes to go! lol...

Total time today on this project... about 6 hours. Yes, six hours.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Pumpkin with Candied Ginger Cake

Here is a picture of the pumpkin with candied ginger cake that I made for yesterday's Thanksgiving dinner. Isn't it cute?

It shifted ever so slightly in transport, so that's why the base of the cake is a little messy. Also, I forgot to take a picture before it was cut, so we spun the cake around... pay no mind to the missing slice towards the back ;)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Things I am thankful for (big and small, serious and silly):
1. My Husband
2. My Family
3. My Friends
4. My Health
5. My Dogs
6. My Bird
7. My Job
8. My Co-workers
9. My House
10. My Car
11. My Volunteer Group at Work
12. My Book Club
13. My Fiber Arts Club
14. My iPhone
15. My Mad Crochet Skillz
16. My "Library" of Books at Home
17. My Garden
18. My Clothes
19. My Shoes
20. My Makeup
21. My Handbags
...I may update this today as I remember more...

Friday, November 21, 2008

I saw it...

We just got back from seeing the movie, Twilight based on the first book of the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the movie was pretty true to the book, overall. Of course there was a good bit left out or left unexplained, but you have to expect that for a 2 hour movie based on a 400+ page book. They only added a few things that weren't in the book at all, and what was added I personally think enhanced the story instead of ruining it (which most of the time happens when the movie has taken liberties of the book). I think that people who have read the book will enjoy the movie a lot... there is just something about seeing the people "in person" and hearing their voices that makes the book even better for me.

The theatre was packed with probably a few hundred young teens/tweens (mostly girls) that cheered when Edward made is entrance on screen... they also cheered the credits. :)


I'm completely obsessed right now with this lipgloss by Too Faced:

The color is called "Envy Me" and when you put it on it is no way as dark as it looks in the tube. It is such a pretty color on, just a hint of color on my lips, enough to even out the coloring and give me lots of shine. Plus, it isn't super sticky or anything.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

If you called me a pansy...

...I'd take it as a compliment!

The mums weren't doing so well along the edges of my flowerbeds, so I pulled them up, deadheaded them, and planted extras in the hanging baskets on the front porch, the large planters on the front porch, and around the tree out front. They really don't have many open blooms right now, so I didn't take pictures of them. I'm hoping that in the next week or so they will pick back up and I'll have pictures of bunches of blooms!

In their place, I planted Pansies. Look how pretty they are! November is typically a favorite time of the year for Florida gardeners - just because of these little beauties!

I also planted some Violas. Violas are actually a species of violet (hence, the name), but they grow similarly to Pansies.:

Oh! And our Azalea bushes have bloomed again for the first time since I've moved into the house (3+ years)! I think the excavation we did of the area that they're in back in the spring gave them some room to breathe, so to speak :)


...from our back yard! Chris set up the camera on the tripod in the driveway last night to take a few pictures of the shuttle launch. It was really cool... when we heard the countdown on the portable TV, you could watch as the cypress head behind our house started to glow a brilliant orange. Then, you finally were able to see the shuttle. So cool!!

This time I'm going to have to find out when the shuttle is supposed to land. Last time I had no clue and when the BOOOOOOMMMMMMBOOOOOOMMMMMM sounded as the capsule re-entered the atmosphere, I was scared outta my mind!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


So, right now, Chris and I are in our computer room and Mrka's "beddie" is on the floor next to my desk. It is usually upstairs, but since we were out of town for a few days (don't worry, we had a pet sitter!), we brought down their upstairs beddies so they could be comfy and blocked the steps with a baby gate.

Anyway, I look over, and Bauer and Al were cuddled up together in the one beddie. Mrka's beddie. No prompting, no posing, they got into the beddie together on their own... too cute!

...while Mrka looked on... probably P.O.'d :)

I just told Chris that we may have to start looking for new beddies for the boys :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A survey 'cause I'm bored...

Date of Birth: A day in the month of January :)
Birthplace: Pittsburgh, PA
Current Location: See above
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Auburn
Height: 5'3"
Heritage: Hungarian, Croatian, Austrian, German, Irish and Scottish
Piercings: Two earring holes in my left ear, and six in my right.
Tattoos: One around my ankle.

Great Big Sea (band)
Song: Too many to list
Movie: Top Gun
Disney Movie: Too many to list (heh)
TV show: Friends
Color: Purple
Food: Pizza
Pizza topping: x-tra cheese
Ice-Cream Flavor: Banana Split (not an actual one, but the ice cream flavor)
Drink (alcoholic): Beer or Wine
Soda: Cherry Coke Zero
Store: TJ Maxx!
Clothing Brand: Michael Kors
Shoe Brand: See Above.
Month: January :)
Holiday/Festival: My birthday :)
Flower: Daisy
Board game: Scattegories

This or That
Sunny or rainy:
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Day
Sour or sweet: Sweet
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: In Person
Looks or personality: Personality (the good looks is a plus :)
Coffee or tea: Tea
Hot or cold: Hot

Goal for this year:
Finish an afghan for my husband.
Best physical feature: Eyes
First thought waking up: Is today Saturday?
Fairytale alter ego: KP (taken from Kim Possible, but also my maiden name)
Darkest secret: Now, why would I post this on a blog for the world to see?
Strangest received gift: A personalized plaque with an insignificant date other than the date that the plaque was engraved.
Worst habit: Chewing my cuticles

Do You:
Drink: Socially, but not so much.
Curse: I try to keep it at a minimum, but that doesn't always work out so well.
Shower daily: Yes, unless I'm sick or something
Like thunderstorms: Yes
Dance in the rain: No
Sing: Yes, not very well though.
Play an instrument: Does Rock Band Guitar/Bass count?
Get along with your parents: Yes!
Wish on stars: Sure
Believe in fate: No
Believe in love at first sight: No

Can You:
Sew: Yes
Cook: Yes
Speak another language: Do computer languages count?
Dance: Yes (not well)
Sing: See above.
Touch your nose with your tongue: Almost, but not quite.
Whistle: Yes
Curl your tongue: Yes

Have You Ever:
Eaten Sushi:
Been in Love: Yes
Been in a Car Accident: Yes
Been to Another Country: Yes
Driven a Motorcycle: No

Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person?
Are you right or left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? 11:30 PM - 12:00 AM
Name three things you can't live without: Chris, Yarn, Books
What is the color of your room? Greenish
Do you have any siblings? Yes (younger brother and lots of in-laws)
Do you have any pets? Yes, a bird and three dogs)
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? No
What is you middle name? My Maiden Name
What are you nicknames? Kel
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 3?

Not much to say again...

...but we're very happy. :)

Twilight is AWESOME!

So, I just finished the first book in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. The book was ay-may-zing! OMG! I can't wait to read the next one, New Moon.

But, I'm going to move on to the November book club selection for my club, Girls in Trouble: A Novel by Caroline Leavitt.