Sunday, October 12, 2008

Propagating Succulents

I have this Jade succulent plant. I've had this plant since I moved to Florida in late 2002. I think it is the first plant I bought here. I'm pretty good with plants, but I've never been good with caucuses. I figured moving to FL, I'd try my hand at a succulent. This bugger is so hardy! She's looked half dead I don't know how many times, and I start taking better care of her and she always comes right back! I've often cut her back to get her to grow from the center more. Or sometimes she's looking sparse at the base, so I'll cut her back and she'll grow from the center again. I recently gave her a "haircut" but this time I thought I'd try to propagate the cuttings.

I had a LOT of cuttings... maybe around 25 or so. I took each one and put the stem in water, then dipped it in root tone and then put all of the clippings in one big pot to see what would take. I think I maybe lost about 5 of the clippings. Everything else started to grow roots! I was so excited! I'm now going to use the first plant as my "mother" plant. She can be cut back again and again and not have to look great. The cuttings I'll keep trying to grow from her. Anyway, here is a pic of the mother plant. There are still some cuttings that are in the dirt on this one, I'm probably going to be able to transplant those soon. Also of note, she has already started to sprout new shoots from where I cut her back!

Here are two of the offspring plants. They're doing great!

Everything out in my garden is doing really well too, and I've planted some mums to go along with the marigolds. I'll have to take pictures of those and the marigolds to show how they've progressed!

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