Thursday, August 23, 2007

Stitching with Heart

I'm so excited! I posted a while ago about doing crochet charity projects. Well, one of the community relations folks at my work contacted me after I emailed them back in MARCH about my idea. Things went quickly from there and the short story is that we've formed a group and are having our first "brown bag" lunch on Wednesday next week! Unfortunately, I don't think that we've had enough time to really get the word out, but the plan is that we'll have bi-weekly or maybe just monthly (still deciding that) meetings. People don't need to know how to knit or crochet yet. They can bring the materials to the lunch and learn during that time also. Additionally, we're going to see about a yarn drive for folks who don't want to participate in the projects but may have extra yarn laying around that they want to get rid of. Our first project will be for soldiers deployed overseas. There are a number of national groups that accept hand knitted and crocheted caps for the soldiers. They wear them for sleeping and other cold areas of bases (maybe machine rooms and whatnot?).

The Ships Project

Other options for future projects include:
Caps to the Capital, which focuses on hats for babies in need as well as other local charities that will accept baby hats and blankets for newborns, lapgans for the elderly in old folk's homes, and potentially "comfortgans" which are granny square afghans where the group spends time making the same size granny squares and then one person sews them all together to make one big afghan. Those could be given to the local hospitals or my thought is to maybe get them shipped to the soldiers overseas in hospitals. We could even do local projects for people at my company who have someone that could use a comfortgan.

I'm really hoping this works out. I think it really is a great cause.

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